Devon Orchid Society Officers & Committee The Society's Officers and Committee are responsible for the organisation of the Society's activities and events. Information is provided to members by way of a monthly newsletter in addition to announcements made at meetings. The officers and committee members are elected annually at the Society's Annual General Meeting in January each year. The officers and committee for 2023 are listed below.
Officers and Committee 2023 President: Sara Rittershausen
Chairman, Show Secretary, Table Show Secretary & BOC Representative: Nicola Wakley*
Vice-Chairman & Publicity: Saul Walker*
Treasurer & Membership Secretary: Alan Wild*
Secretary & Programme Secretary: Clive Lloyd*
Newsletter Editor: Jonny Hartnell*
Librarian: Ron Woolway
Webmaster & Social Media: Shaun Burns*
Committee Members: Those marked with * above and Juliet Martin, Paul Wakley & Wayne Haywood
The rules of the Devon Orchid Society can be downloaded by clicking here.
Updated 30th January 2023